A Review of "The Office"

"The Office" is hilarious and beyond entertaining, not to mention very realistic. The main setting is in an office building in Scranton, Pennsylvania in present-day. The business, Dunder Mifflin, struggles to keep their paper business going in the changing economy. The boss, Michael Scott (Steve Carrel), fails miserably at most productive tasks, while he leads the office into distraction. The show is very real with realistic scenes and personal interviews. Humor is always right around the corner. Funny quotes will sneak up on you and keep you laughing for days. There are complex relationships between employees, budget cuts, company outings, and hoiday parties that keep the office alive and awake. The humor in "The Office" is mainly dry and ironic, but aso the immediate satisfaction of stupidity. I highly reccommend this show of mass distraction!

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