First, you need to focus on what you are feeding. You can find birdseed pretty much anywhere. It's at the grocery, garden shop, and obviously the bird specialty stores. However, most good-quality bird seed is found at bird specialty stores. Unfortunately, they are more expensive because there is more seed to them. Most generic brands found at the grocery store are made up mainly of filler seed. The birds know what filler seed is. They will pick out the filler seed and spit it out onto the ground, wasting it. So if you purchase the bad-quality seed, you are really not getting a deal because the birds can tell the difference.
So what do you feed them? Well, it all depends on what you want to see. Bluebirds specify in meal worms, and cardinals like safflower, while Blue Jays love peanuts. If you know what you want to see in your backyard, I recommend googling that species. And if you are not sure what you want to see, try a couple different types of seed and see what works. Also, a fool-proof way to attract birds is to provide water. Not all birds eat seed, but they all need water. Providing a shallow birdbath can double your variety of birds.
Birds need food all year-round. You might have heard that you shouldn't feed birds in the summer because they become dependent on the feeders, but that is not true. Bird feeders only supplement nature's food for wild birds. However as seasons change, birds come and go, and so should your types of feeding. Summer is a time to put nectar and orange halves out for hummingbirds and orioles, and fall and spring migration is a good time for high-energy suet. Research more on the types of birdseed for each season in your specific area.
Habitat is important for birdfeeding too. You will find different birds in big cities than you would in a rural area. Therefore, you types of feeding must adapt. Inner-city locations can make it hard to attract unique birds, but once you have a few they will tell their buddies. Start with basic black-oil sunflower seed and a birdbath and see what you can get. In a rural location, you have a lot more freedom, but you also want to start small. Again, start with black-oil sunflower and see where you go.
In conclusion, bird feeding is a very enjoyable hobby no matter how much you want to put into it. In addition, it matters what, when, and where you feed your wild birds. To successfully attract a wide variety of wild birds, you must also think like a bird. Would you want bad-quality bird seed? Wherever you are, feeding wild birds can become a very enjoyable hobby. 3ME8GHH7P5KY
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