How to Take Off the Foot Joint of a Flute

      Sometimes the foot joint of a flute, when connected to the body joint, can be hard to remove. A lot of the newer flutes are made tighter around where they connect. Therefore, making it harder to pull off. Usually, twisting it back and forth without applying too much pressure on the springs will work. However, after playing and warming it up, the metal expands even further making it even more challenging. Using simple science I have found a way to simplify the process.

    When metal freezes, it expands. When metal is warmed, it expands. But, when metal is cooled but not frozen it contracts. Using this theory, place your connected body and foot joint into the fridge. It only takes about 3-5 minutes for it to contract. Then, take it out and twist the two joints back and forth, without applying too much pressure to the springs. They should come apart. If not, try putting it back into the fridge, and try twisting it again. If that doesn't work, call your local flute shop and have them take a look. They probably will not charge for such a simple job. They can also be very helpful if you have any other questions about the functions of your flute. Happy flute playing!

Express Yourself!

Nowadays, everyone is so busy with work and life, so they think that they don't have time to slow down and just find out their purpose. Everyone has a purpose in this world, and we all need to grasp and conquer it. The first step in doing that is finding your purpose, and with that comes finding out who you are. Is your purpose really to drive to and from work everyday and minding your own business, or does God have another plan for you? Express yourself to find out.

    You can express yourself in many ways whether it's spiritually, artistically, or through physical activity. Expressing yourself is anything that you do for yourself that doesn't earn you money, and you don't consider it a waste of time because you enjoy it. Go out and find your way of expressing yourself and run with it! Soon enough, you will be cleansed with newfound hope and be able to conquer your purpose!

     When it comes to your purpose, be creative. If your purpose is to inspire others, live it out! If it is to care for others, care for others; but no one's purpose is to mind their own business. We are social animals and life is at our fingertips! So express yourself for you, and live out your purpose for others!

Cabeza de Vaca

In 1528, the Spaniards started to explore the west coast of Florida. Four hundred men started out on the Narváez expedition in search of gold, one of them was Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. He was actually one of the chief officers. Several months from departure, they landed somewhere near present-day St. Petersburg, Florida. When they didn’t find gold there, the officers decided to lead the march north.

     Starvation killed many, and after fighting Native Americans through Florida’s swampy wilderness, there were only 242 men left. Many of them slaughtered and ate their horses just to survive, but then after another attack of Native Americans, the officers decided to flee to Mexico. They used anything they could find to build five makeshift boats in order to get the crew safely to Mexico City. At this point, there were only 80 survivors. Cabeza de Vaca led one of these boats, and after weeks of treacherous storms and hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, they wrecked onto present-day Galveston Island.

More starvation and disease decreased their number to 15 before they were enslaved by the Native Americans. As de Vaca put it, “We looked the very image of death and the north wind began to blow and we were closer to death than to life…” Though they faced much hardship, after six years in captivity, the four remaining men escaped. The four men were: Cabeza de Vaca, Estevanico, Dorantes, and Castillo. 

They were headed for Mexico City, but little did they know, it was 2,000 miles away. The group encountered numerous Indian tribes on their trip, who he traded with to get food for his group. Cabeza de Vaca was naked the entire trip because he used his clothed to repair the boats. When the crew finally reached Mexico City, they were received by Hernan Cortes, the Viceroy. There, Cabeza de Vaca told stories about the “seven golden cities” that the Indians told them about. In 1537 he sailed back to Europe.  After writing his reports, he went back to South America and was appointed governor of Río de la Plata in present-day Argentina.

The obstacles he and his crew faced are hard to imagine, but he returned to Europe alive and even wrote a book about his expedition.

Pro Animal Testing

For the most part, the human population has only been shown the bad parts of animal experimentation. The PETA organization finds the worst of the worst labs and broadcasts footage of the inhumane treatment of the lab animals. However, what they do not tell you are that there are many humane animal testing facilities (Animal Experimentation: Debatabase – Debate Topics and Debate Motions). These places keep the animals in pristine condition because anything less than the best would compromise the results (About Research). Also, they do not have reason to mistreat the animals. The animals are the ones leading them to great discoveries (HIV Drugs, Vaccines and Animal Testing). Animal testing should stay legal because the animals are treated well, humans benefit greatly from the discoveries, and it would sacrifice a scientific opportunity by not being able to test on beings that are so alike to humans.

            There are many humane animal testing facilities (Animal Experimentation: Debatabase – Debate Topics and Debate Motions). Firstly, what reasons do the scientists have to abuse the animals? In fact, many of them actually form bonds with the lab animals (HIV Drugs, Vaccines and Animal Testing). Also, these labs are kept in pristine condition, not only for the animals’ benefit, so that no extra variables are added to the experiments. Having too many variables could sway the results. In the U.K., if any animal is suffering from pain or distress from experimentation, it must be put down immediately. The U.K. and U.S. have many laws and regulations protecting animal rights (About Research).

            Also, animal research has led to many new discoveries. The findings from animal experimentation have affected nearly all fields of medicine (About Research). One lab at the University of California San Diego has found evidence on how cancer genes work a new vaccine for malaria, a treatment for lung disorders in premature infants, and many others (The Importance of Animal Research to Medical Discovery). Safety testing accounts for 1 in every 10 animal experiments, whether in cosmetics or medicines (About Research). Without safety testing we would be putting ourselves at risk. The animals can also benefit from animal testing because of veterinary testing, which occurs in 1 out of every 20 experiments. Veterinary animal experimentation has led to the treatment of rabies, anthrax, FIV, tuberculosis, Heartworms, and many others (History of Animal Testing).

            Lastly, we would be wasting a valuable scientific opportunity by not being able to test on beings so similar to humans. Humans share 99% of genes with chimpanzees and other primates (Animal Experimentation: Debatabase – Debate Topics and Debate Motions). In fact, humans are primates. However, primates are not used in testing very often. Dogs, cats, and monkeys are used in just 3 out of every 1000 experiments in the U.K. (About Research). Rodents such as mice and rats are more ideal because of their small size, naturally short life span, and abundancy. Their body structure and functions are also very comparable to that of a human (The Importance of Animal Research to Medical Discovery). Considering how alike these animals are to humans, it would be immoral to sacrifice a human life over that of a non-human (Animal Experimentation: Debatabase – Debate Topics and Debate Motions).

            In conclusion, PETA has not given us the whole story. There are many reasons to keep animal experimentation legal. Many more people would have died if the lab at UCSD did not discover a treatment for lung disorders in premature infants or a new vaccine for malaria (The Importance of Animal Research to Medical Discovery). There is no reason to take this great scientific opportunity away. It can do a lot of good. There are many new findings waiting to be found through animal research. Therefore, scientific experimentation using animals should continue because there are many humane testing facilities, it has led to many new discoveries, and we would be wasting an important scientific opportunity by not being able to test on beings that are so alike to humans.

Try a Triathlon

Triathlon? Swimming, biking, and running.. ha ha.. oh you were serious? Is this you? Well, triathlons are not as hard as you may think. They are actually pretty simple. You just need to know a few basics.

   Firstly, if you want to do a triathlon you need to commit. Register early fo that you will be positive that you want to go through with it, and also you may get a discount. Most  triathlons  are a bit pricey. Also, start training early, especially if it is your first, you don't want to get caught behind. Create a training plan and follow it strictly. Give yourself a couple of days off here and there, and train with swimming, biking, and running (since those are the events) and focus on your problem areas. About 3/4 of the way through your training, try to go to where the event is and simulate race day. Make sure you can go the distance and familiarize yourself with the course. Taper off your training as you near race day. The night before should be used to visualize your race and prepare you transition equipment. For more information on the transition check out this site.

  On the morning of the race, plan to arrive early in order to have space and time to set up your transition area. Relax and stay calm at this point. All of your training will have prepared for this event, so don't sweat it. The first triathlon is always stressful, but the good thing is that if you don't like it, you don't have to do another one, and if you do like it, after this you're a pro!

  Triathlon is a very challenging but simple sport. It's not for everyone and it takes a lot of endurance. Preparation is key. If you're interested.. Tri one!


White is clean and pure

A faithful perfectionism

Impossibly great

Controversial state

Overcome by fair process

Never concluded

The snow through the grass

Sparkle and shine in darkness

Illuminating faith

No one is pure white

But with Him we're forgiven

Saved in His white cloak

A cleansing of hope

Forever dipped in His strength

Power forever
